About Me

         I am Robin Pfluke.  I am a teacher.  I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a southerner, and so much more.  After a childhood colored by Georgia clay, I attended Georgia Southern University where I played softball and completed the requirements to become a certified Health and Physical Education instructor.  Once I completed my degree, I moved to Hilton Head Is., S.C. where I got my first teaching job.  I spent the next nine years teaching high school PE classes and coaching (JV and Varsity basketball and a short stint as a soccer coach).  While teaching in South Carolina, I learned the vast benefits of good discipline procedures and the effectiveness of peer teaching and I learned quickly.  In all the semesters I taught at Hilton Head High, I never had a class size smaller than 35.  Most of my classes contained 45 – 50 students and one possessed a whopping 63.  To be honest, I was thrilled when I moved to New York and was hired by Rush-Henrietta School District to teach Health.  I was a tad burned out on the Physical Education role as a teacher – I needed to do more teaching and less babysitting.  Now starting my fifth year at Roth Middle School, I have settled quite nicely into the Health teacher position and am the first one to sign-up to sponsor after school activities that allow me to have the “hands on” opportunities with the kids.  I can usually be found on the basketball court during Activity Night or on the dance floor doing a worm contest during school dances.  The one aspect of my career that I am most proud of is the fact that I love what I do and everyone from the kids to my co-workers to my family knows it.
            When asked why I moved to New York, I respond consistently with “Because I wanted better for my family”.  I wanted my kids Tobias and Nolynne (pictured above) to have opportunities I never had.  My husband grew up in Henrietta and often spoke of all the experiences he had educationally, athletically, and so on and I wanted the same for my kids.   I also wanted a descent salary and good insurance and a nice retirement, which I did not have in South Carolina. I would say that grad school is really the only down side to the move and I only say that because it takes time away from my kids.  But this too will soon pass.  I will take my last two requirements in the spring.  YAY!
            I hope this gives you a little insight on who I am and where I am coming from.  Still craving more details?  Here are a few more facts:
·         I live in Henrietta and still have a very difficult time driving in snow.
·         I love reading stories about vampires.
·         I love to dance with my kids.
·         I taught break dancing to kids at the middle school where I work.